Entries from 2015-05-01 to 1 month

ubuntu headless server resolution 解像度 モニター無し

http://askubuntu.com/questions/453109/ubuntu-14-04-add-fake-display-when-no-monitor-is-plugged-in http://blog.mediafederation.com/andy-hawkins/ubuntu-headless-vnc-vesa-800x600-fix/sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummysudo nano /etc…

ubuntu 14.04 ryhtmbox flac

gstreamer flac

ubuntu 14.04 英語版に日本語/中国語 インプットメソッド

Set up Fcitx for Chinese and Japanese language input on Ubuntu Trusty 14.04https://blogs.fsfe.org/stefan.a/2014/09/23/set-up-fcitx-chinese-and-japanese-language-input-ubuntu-14-04/ Make sure you remove any IBus input methods you may have b…

ubuntu 12.04 vino vnc restart

Kill first$ pkill vinoThen to start it again,$ export DISPLAY=:0.0 $ /usr/lib/vino/vino-server &In case to make the process alive after close terminal,$ nohup /usr/lib/vino/vino-server &とします。出力はnohup.outというテキストファイルに出て…

ruby sinatra sidekiq redis error


ruby class
