Entries from 2012-05-17 to 1 day


http://effectif.com/articles/deploying-sinatra-with-vlad$ mkdir config $ touch config/deploy.rb Open deploy.rb in your editor and set the following variables:set :application, "hello" set :repository, "file://home/(username)/hello/.git" se…

ruby daemons /etc/init.d/sinatra


Open Terminal Here

To get started open the Terminal (ctrl-alt-t) and type in this command.sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal Then to restart Nautilus use this command to stop it.nautilus -q Now open Nautilus and right click in the window, you will n…


http://ruby.about.com/od/sinatra/a/sinatra5.htm http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/fcoding/articles/sass/sassa.htmlhttp://route477.net/d/?date=20100218#p03 http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ruby/ruby-for-newbies-the-tilt-gem/