Entries from 2013-09-05 to 1 day

Ubuntu Server 一覧


squid tags 機能一覧


squid: can't do HTTPS transparent proxy

HTTPS traffic is encrypted, and squid is lacking the proper keys/certificates to decrypt it.In theory, you could set up squid with its own certificates, but that will turn squid into a man-in-the-middle, i.e. all your clients will complain…

squid3 透過型 設定 匿名化

http://www.virment.com/vyatta/vyatta-proxy/15//etc/squid3/squid.confの修正・アクセスコントロールの設定 ネットワークアドレス192.168.101.0/24からのトラフィックの処理を許可するために、下記の2行をsquid.confに追記します。 「acl lan1 src 192.168…

ip rule, route add, /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwardの値の修正
