Entries from 2015-10-12 to 1 day

Ruby/Tk ウィンドウを消した後でも Ruby の処理は続けたい場合 destroy exit

http://www.mnet.ne.jp/~tnomura/tksample.html http://ronor.web.fc2.com/rubytk/require 'tk'name = ''TkLabel.new(nil, 'text'=>'Put your name below.').pack entry = TkEntry.new.pack TkButton.new(nil, 'text'=>'OK', 'command'=>proc{ name = entry.…

Ruby/Tk can't fork

Ruby/Tk does NOT support forking the process on which Tk interpreter is running (unless NEVER control Tk interpreter under the forked child process). In the library 'tk.rb', a Tk interpreter is initialized. Therefore, if you want running T…