Changing NX server's port

Edit your sshd_config file

  • Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file changing the line that says “Port 22″ to “Port {your_number}”

Edit your ssh_config file (Please note, you’ll only want to do this step if you are controlling the port your client on this machine will always look for in a connection)

  • Edit the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file by changing the line that says “Port 22″ to “Port {your_number}”

Edit your server.cfg file

  • Edit the /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg file by changing TWO lines.

*The first line you need to edit is: ‘#SSHDPort = “22″.’ You need to change that to (first, remove the # sign to make it active instead of being a comment): ‘SSHDPort = “{your_number}”.’
*The second line you need to edit is: ‘#SSHDAuthPort = “22″.’ You need to change that to (first, remove the # sign to make it active instead of being a comment): ‘SSHDAuthPort = “{your_number}”.’ If you don’t change this line, your NX Client will give a error saying: “Authentication failed for user {username}”.

Edit your node.cfg file

  • Next, edit your /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg file by changing one line: ‘#SSHDPort = “22″.’ You need to change that to (first, remove the # sign to make it active instead of being a comment): ‘SSHDPort = “{your_number}”.’

Restart your Services

  • Restart SSH by issuing the following Command: “/etc/init.d/sshd restart”
  • Restart the NX Server by issuing the following Command: “/etc/init.d/nxserver restart”