ubuntu no-ip client


You will be able to install No-IP.com’s DUC on Ubuntu in just a few minutes with Terminal. Once you have opened up your Terminal window you will need to login as the “root” user. You can become the root user from the command line by entering “sudo -s” followed by the root password on your machine.

cd /usr/local/src/
wget http://www.no-ip.com/client/linux/noip-duc-linux.tar.gz
tar xf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz
cd noip-2.1.9-1/
make install

You will then be prompted to login with your No-IP.com account username and password.

If you get “make not found” or “missing gcc” then you do not have the gcc compiler tools on your machine. You will need to install these in order to proceed.

To Configure the Client

As root again (or with sudo) issue the below command:

/usr/local/bin/noip2 -C (dash capital C, this will create the default config file)

You will then be prompted for your username and password for No-IP, as well as which hostnames you wish to update. Be careful, one of the questions is “Do you wish to update ALL hosts”. If answered incorrectly this could effect hostnames in your account that are pointing at other locations.

Now the client is installed and configured, you just need to launch it. Simply issue this final command to launch the client in the background:



今回はUbuntuでDebian系なので、debian.noip2.sh を利用する。

# cp /usr/local/src/noip-2.1.7/debian.noip2.sh /etc/init.d/noip2
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/noip2
# update-rc.d noip2 defaults
# /etc/init.d/noip2 start
